Tree of Life Farm

Tree of Life Farm is located in Amherst, NH, where we enjoy the atmosphere of “right to farm” zoning. We are a backyard family farm that began serendipitously in 2012 with the gift of a baby bunny named Cream.

She was followed by our first flock of turkeys that summer. the next year, we added lambs, chickens, and angora rabbits. What began as a variety of 4-H projects now provides food, fun, and fiber for our homeschooling family of six.

We currently breed and enjoy two small heritage sheep breeds, Clun Forest and Finnsheep. The cross well to make versatile meat and wool sheep, perfect for the backyard farm.

Several angora rabbits provide baby soft fiber in grays and creams.

We offer a variety of handspun yarns and yarn products, including homegrown dryer balls and warm winter wear.